Principal's Message

Welcome to another wonderful school year at Queen Elizabeth!

After 2 years of covid protocols, we are looking forward to offering a more normal school year for our students. We will continue to make our students’ health and safety our number one priority as we look to offer high quality learning and experiences. We look forward to continuing to build relationships with our families and community partners.

Queen Elizabeth is a diverse, dynamic and dedicated school. Student well being and achievement are at the heart of all we do. Our school of approximately 360 students features Full Day Kindergarten, English programming in grades 1-3, English and Middle French Immersion for grades 4- 6 and English, Middle French Immersion and Early French Immersion in grades 7 and 8. We are also very privileged to be the home to 5 specialized classes, including 3 Autism Spectrum Disorder classes and 2 Learning Disabilities Specialized Intervention Program (LD SIP) classes. Our team of dynamic education staff provide compassion, caring and high expectations for all of our students.

As the grade 7/8 school or Middle French Immersion site for many surrounding schools (Rockcliffe, Manor Park, Queen Mary, Robert E Wilson, Viscount Alexander, Carson Grove), we look to build connections with our feeder schools. Transition planning, outreach and shared activities help to build relationships with the school communities, making the transition to a new school easier for our students.

Queen Elizabeth offers many groups, clubs, teams and activities to compliment the wonderful work taking place in the classrooms. Some examples include a board games club, a Pride Club, Student Council, Black Excellence, Indigenous Sharing Circle, many intramural sports at all age levels and participation in all regional and board sports at the Junior and Intermediate levels. We are also very lucky to have our “Royal Garden” as a learning space and place for students to connect with food and how it is grown.

Our staff strive to get to know each student and we look to provide a safe and caring space for all students. We are supported by a dynamic group of Learning Professionals including Social Work, Psychology and Speech and Language. We also partner with many community organisations such as Crossroads, the Rideau Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre, our Multicultural Liaison Officer and the OCDSB Indigenous Education Team. With over 100 English as a Second Language students, we are privileged to have students from around the world sharing their stories and experiences with us. We continue on a path of Equity and Inclusion, with a deep commitment to equity, inclusion, reconciliation, Indigenous education, and providing learning experiences that reflect the diversity of Canada’s population.

Queen Elizabeth strives to be an active and positive institution in the community. We look to partner with presenters, groups and clubs to bring new and innovative experiences to the school. We also work very closely with the parent community to create dialogue and positive relationships for our families. Our small but very dedicated School Council is always looking for new members to offer new ideas and help support the great work they do for the school. We strive to have the School Council reflect the diversity of the student population. We are also happy to welcome parents as volunteers for classroom support and field trips.

We are looking forward to a school year filled with excitement, learning and challenge. We thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you. We hope that we can provide each student an opportunity to reach their full potential as a person and as a learner.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, concerns or ideas. We are always happy to connect with all the wonderful members of our Queen Elizabeth school community.

Todd Saunders,

Del Craig,
Vice Principal